What is Bronze Medallion Award?

The Bronze Medallion develops a basic level of proficiency in knowledge, judgement, and practical ability in recognition of the ability to perform aquatic rescue in a safe and efficient manner.

Upon successful completion of Bronze Medallion and CPR course, participants will receive the Bronze Medallion and CPR Resuscitation badges and 2 certificates issued by the Singapore Life Saving Society.


Award Badges

Course Scope

  • Working knowledge of water safety, survival in water, rescue principles and emergency aftercare.

  • Perform land-based rescue and water-based rescue.

  • Demonstrate Rescue Fitness within a period of 3 minutes 15 seconds.

  • Perform contact tow rescue of an uncooperative casualty and provide aftercare.

  • Rescue of a submerged casualty within 1 minute 15 seconds and perform CPR.

  • Swim 400 meters continuously in at least three recognised strokes.

After achieving Lifesaving 123 Award, the Bronze Medallion is the next goal before becoming a qualified lifeguard. This course emphasises swimming fitness and rescue techniques with time limit. Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation training is introduced as an essential skill to revive unconscious casualty that is not breathing.

Next Intake

BM & CPR Course

Theory (Zoom): 
15 & 22 August, 5 September
Time: 9.30pm


Yio Chu Kang Swimming Complex

7:00pm – 9:00pm

17, 24, 31 August
14, 21, 28 September

Exam Date:
7 September
5 October

Course Fee:
$600 per course


  • 14 years old onwards
  • Must attain Lifesaving 3 Award
  • Freestyle 50m
  • Breaststroke 50m
  • Able to swim more than 2 mins

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